kC Creative


Hi I'm Caroline!

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Why does your brand voice matter? How will it help you in business? Here are ways a well established brand voice can strengthen your business. Think of it like verbal super glue that holds together all the most important parts of your writing.  Every entrepreneur knows the extensive time that writing and marketing requires. It […]

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This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard about brand voice and its importance.  If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard businesses throw around the term like it’s something you already understand instead of a trendy buzz word that isn’t well defined.  But at the risk of surprising you, my goal isn’t to generalize and […]

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Caroline Kidd, Founder + CEO, Copywriter 

Caroline here. Often known as Caro, Carol, or tiny loud girl. 

On a normal day, you’ll find me with a book in one hand, coffee in the other, probably humming a Texas country song, and championing the efforts of creative businesses.

When I stumbled into entrepreneurship I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But along the way, I’ve developed a deep passion for putting words to other people’s artistic endeavors so more people can see, appreciate, and hire you.

And while curating an outfit is about as far as my aesthetic skill set reaches, I have a way with words and an uncanny ability to ask all the right questions to create your brand voice, your copywriting strategy, and the follow-through to execute it. 


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